Saturday, September 15, 2012

Meet Poppie

This is Poppie.
She has found us at OF Bowling Club as we sit and sew and this month she brought along some of her handwork to show us.

Poppie told us about how she learnt to sew and do cross stitch as a girl in Greece.
This little sampler she made when she was 10.
She said her mother was very strict and always checked the back of the work and made her unpick any stitches that weren't perfect.

These runners were just exquisite, some with metallic threads and the crotchering on the edges was done by her mother.
They were made for her Glory Box.
I found it difficult to tell the front from the back!

She also described to us the 'special' biscuits she makes and their aphrodisiac powers!
She says she will make some for us next month but wants to know the outcome of us eating them!
I wonder what she grows in with the tomatoes?
It's a worry.
What a lovely lady with many tales to tell.
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September GTG ...

I'm not sure what happened to August but here we are in September.
Christmas is fast approaching!

Last month members exchanged FQ's and our 'Challenge' was to create small  quilts to be used to wrap babies who have died for the 'Blankets of Love' project.

Here is Helens ....

We always seem to have an over-achiever and here is our over-achiever this month - Denise has made 5 little quilts - well done Denise.
Helen is embroidering across the one in the lower right hand corner.

This is Stephanies ....

Denise is checking out one of Robyn's tops - she has made two little tops to be finished for next month.

We have decided to carry over the challenge until next month as a number of us were not in attendance today.
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Here's July ...

Helen is rightfully proud of her 'Pies and Tarts' quilt.

Trish has received her completed Hearts quilt from us all - looks great with its red rick-rack - thanks Marg!

Margaret has been busy with her embroidery again - check out these cute little bears soon to be incorporated into a grandchild quilt.

Cinzia entered this beautiful quilt 'Raconteur' in the Sydney Show last month.
It made second prize in the Viewers Choice category - well done Cinzia.

Here it is up close - amazing eh?

Stephanie was off to her daughters' birthday bash / come housewarming in Nowra.
The theme was 'Obviously Opshop' - here she is in her outfit.

Who remembers wearing these 'Country Creations?'
I do!
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