Saturday, August 17, 2013

August GTG at OFBC

It was great to catch up with Lorraine this month.
Isn't she looking great after her surgery?
AND - was she surprised??? I reckon!
We are glad you like it Lorraine - think of your SCQIllawarra mates
 (as we'll be thinking of you) when you wrap up in your quilt.

 Robyn W has been busy .....

Stephanie actually put together her first SCQ Retreat Siggy quilt
from Tassie in 2000.
And Joan found a hexagon one that was almost finished.

 And here's my grandson Harry with his flannel 9FQ S&S quilt
inspired by Lorraine's demo last month - he loves it.
 More hexagons - are they all Cinzia's patterns?
Can't remember ... I'll update the details when someone tells me.

We are missing a couple of months photo's - any more to upload anyone????
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Saturday, July 20, 2013

SCQuilters Retreat in Bendigo

Steph and Trish headed off to Bendigo for the 2013
SCQuilters Retreat in July.
Unhappily the XPT broke down and they made the first leg of their journey
overnight to Melbourne via coach - read here 'cattle truck' - we were pretty squashed in!

We spent a great if not chilly and drizzly day at the Sheep and Wool Show.
I kept my head warm after the purchase of a nice new felt hat.
I needed it to trot along after Trish on her hired scooter! 
Here we are 'dressed to impress' (didn't do any good I might add - sigh)
It was nice to catch up with 'old' on-line quilting mates.
Next year it's in Tassie - hmmmmm maybe.
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Friday, June 28, 2013

Shhhhhh Secret Womens Business ....

Our mate Lorraine is going through a bad time having just been
diagnosed with bowel cancer.
As quilters do - we are making her a quilt for her to wrap up in and
know that she is loved when times are hard..
We made one similar for significant birthday for Joan a few years
back and Lorraine loved it so here is a progress picture of her quilt to be.
We got this much together at a sewing day at Robyn's 'on the hill' towards the end of June.
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Saturday, June 15, 2013

At our meeting for June ....

Here's a look at what people were doing.
A few knitters and a few sewers....
While RobynB just wants a free cup of coffee!

Then who got a lovely surprise???
Lorraine showed us this pretty 9 FQ Stackn'Slash quilt.
We all ooo'd and ahhhed and then she walked around the table and gave
it to Helen - who was to say the least gobsmacked.
I don't think I have ever seen her lost for words!
"You said last GTG that you didn't have a quilt for yourself" says Lorraine.
What a generous spirit.

I think she likes it!
 Lorraine gives Robyn B a quick 'in-service' on how to make a 9FQ
'Stack'nSlash' quilt ....
Margaret is interested in her magazine.
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Saturday, March 16, 2013

March GTG @ OFBC

Helen was first to arrive and held the fort until the rest of us arrived in dribs and drabs. 
Luckily she was able to find something to fill in the time until Lucy and Trish arrived...

Trish with her finished scarf
Lucy brought along two new books, Masters, Art Quilts vol 2, and Luminous Letters.
Note Helen's beautifully manicured and painted nails

Lucy with her almost complete 1/2 square triangle quilt

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February GTG at OFBC

This month we missed Helen who was of to Sydney
 buying a 'Mother of the Groom' outfit
- hope she found something nice.
Rhonda was busy busy doing family stuff.
Cinzia was 'attached' to a certain room at her place and Robyn B decided not share her sore throat with us.
Hope you are both feeling better now!

Margaret gives us a demo ....
A few of us went home with different coloured / textured yarn scarf / necklaces.
Thanks Marg!

Our challenge this month was to finish a UFO of 1/2 square triangles.
Robyn did! Her's is a doll quilt for Mahalia (sp)
Lucy has quilted her bright quilt - not sure of its name.
Chris finished her zebra pillow
Stephanie brought along a UFO - a Judy Hopkins mystery quilt we
did ages ago - Happy Trails to You, alas still a UFO!
And Trish bought some photo's of some of hers!

Everyone was busily working on something.

Here are Lucy's Ikea fruit!
A lovely knitted outfit that Joan has done for Rhonda's latest grandchild.
And Steph models one of her yarn creations - looks good on the black!
Our challenge for next month - finish SOMETHING and bring it along for S&T
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Thursday, February 14, 2013

January 2013 at OFBC

We enjoyed a friendly GTG at OFBC in January, our first meeting for 2013.

Everyone one is working industriously on their various projects.
Here's some show and tell from Lucy.

Some of the projests - they make a colourful collage.

Can you pick your hands?????

And a few faces too!
I am reminded that we have a challenge for next month.
A finished UFO using 1/2 square triangles.
That will be interesting - I hope.
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Our Christmas Party 2012

Once again Robyn was very hospitable and invited the group to have our Christmas
celebration at her lovely home 'on the hill'.
The decorations always amaze me - I love Christmas.
We each had a Christmas snow cone as part of our place setting -
I fotgot to take mine home, perhaps he'll be there next year?

Here's a shot of us all after lunch.
We look pretty satisfied!

We had a 'secret Santa' gift swap of a handmade article.
Here they all are after the draw.
I ended up with the beautiful pink beaded doily/jug cover - thank you Joan!
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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Catch Up November

Here we are again, it's November and the keen ScqIllawarra members are gathered to sew at OFBC.
Several of us came late as we had a better offer at the end of a camera at Croome Reserve.
But - better late than never, we got there for lunch!

Here is Joan and sister Chris.
Welcome Chris, we love having visitors, hope you enjoy your visit with us.

Here's our over achiever again!
Wow, I'm impressed.
Check out Denise's Banksia Men!
So lifelike and so like the photo image.

Everyone is hard at work, Robyn B is working on a crochet rug for her Granddaughter.
Helen continues on with her bright Elongated hexagons.
Check out her red cherries.
Joan's embroidery is amazing as usual - next time we see it, it will be part of a quilt panel.
Not sure what RAB is up to town the back there but I'm sure she's busy too.
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