Friday, June 28, 2013

Shhhhhh Secret Womens Business ....

Our mate Lorraine is going through a bad time having just been
diagnosed with bowel cancer.
As quilters do - we are making her a quilt for her to wrap up in and
know that she is loved when times are hard..
We made one similar for significant birthday for Joan a few years
back and Lorraine loved it so here is a progress picture of her quilt to be.
We got this much together at a sewing day at Robyn's 'on the hill' towards the end of June.
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Saturday, June 15, 2013

At our meeting for June ....

Here's a look at what people were doing.
A few knitters and a few sewers....
While RobynB just wants a free cup of coffee!

Then who got a lovely surprise???
Lorraine showed us this pretty 9 FQ Stackn'Slash quilt.
We all ooo'd and ahhhed and then she walked around the table and gave
it to Helen - who was to say the least gobsmacked.
I don't think I have ever seen her lost for words!
"You said last GTG that you didn't have a quilt for yourself" says Lorraine.
What a generous spirit.

I think she likes it!
 Lorraine gives Robyn B a quick 'in-service' on how to make a 9FQ
'Stack'nSlash' quilt ....
Margaret is interested in her magazine.
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